Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Back from sickness!

Sorry for the lack of post everyone! The stomach flu kind of crept up on me this time and apparently it left behind a 'gift'. Pink eye haha. I am so happy that there's drops for this :) 

Now, back to the actual blogging. While I was home I had a chance to catch up on some reading for a change. Apparently, in some books, no matter how vicious a mythical being is they feel the need to dull them. Why do they feel the need to take so many of the key aspects and throw them away? I can understand if you change things around to refresh the myth but not when you take away what makes them unique.

I don't think I'll ever understand some peoples need to tear apart a good mythical being, all for the sake of a sappy love story haha. But there is still hope! There are still many great authors who out number the few who do this. My fingers are crossed for it their numbers to stay low :) 

Until Tomorrow
Keep Calm and Write On,
~Cate Riddle

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