Tuesday, November 4, 2014

News News News!

Hey everyone!
How are you all? I'm good just busy with school and researching as usual!
First, I wanted to let you all know that I have been adding to each of my stories. I haven't published for two reasons, I no longer have a beta reader and I've been working on plot outlines for future events.
Some serious plot twists and turns are going to be happening in Riddle me this, To Love Colonel and Twists of Fate! I'm going to be putting up the newest chapters ASAP :D
If you would like to become my new beta reader, just shoot me a message on my author page on wattpad or pm me on my twitter account @CateBrewer817.

Until Next Time!
Keep Calm and Write On,
~Cate Riddle

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Back from hiatus!!

I sincerely apologize for being MIA for such a long time. I've been preparing for one of the biggest moves of my life, University years, and it's been taking longer than I thought. I'd originally planned to write on here as well as on my stories as the summer went on but we can all see that it's slipped through my fingers lol now that I'll be home for the next four weeks I'm hoping that I can finally post more chapters for my readers as well as revive this blog lol. 

Wish me luck for my new adventure :) Go Huskies!!

Until Tomorrow,
Keep Calm and Write On,
~Cate Riddle

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dress shopping for my characters!

Hey everyone! I hope you're all getting the best out of this new 'spring' weather :) I know I am since it's finally allowed me to crank out a brand new chapter. The only thing left to do before I publish them is to find dress ideas for two of my main characters.

First would have to be Captain Andrea Stone of the Green Dragoons. For her dress ideas were kind of hard to choose since there's not many exciting layouts during the Colonial years. In the end I opted for a mix of Victorian and Steam punk and I was very happy with the outcome :) 

As for my other character, Dominique Constantin, I decided to lean in the direction of regal Slytherin. I think it fits because of her status as Empress and as a Slytherin student :)

I hope you guys like the dresses I chose for my Crimson Valkyrie and Magical Empress! Please tune in to my writing page to find out more :)

Until Tomorrow
Keep Calm and Write On
~Cate Riddle 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sterotypes are Here Again

Hey everyone! Sorry for the unexpected lack of posts recently but I'm back and I have some topics to chat about :) 

First, I have come to notice that there is a new TV show on the air about Salem witches. It's not really surprising that Hollywood decided to dust off the old story of the witch hunts. The fact that they changed so much of the story and call it a re-telling? The Crucible had more truth to the history than this new show does! The only thing I recognized was Giles' awesome line haha :)

I guess I could understand what their doing with this new story line if it wasn't so 'modernized' as well as showing how 'evil' witches are. Pshh. This is only making my personal Facebook explode with individuals saying that, since I am a Wiccan myself, that I am just like the witches on the TV show and that I need to repent....... Um, apparently some people will truly believe in what the boob tube tells them haha no surprise there!

Things will eventually go back to normal, hopefully, once the season is over. Until then I;m just going to keep wishing the last two classes go by fast so I can get back to writing again!

Until Tomorrow,
Keep Calm and Write On,
~Cate Riddle  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Back from sickness!

Sorry for the lack of post everyone! The stomach flu kind of crept up on me this time and apparently it left behind a 'gift'. Pink eye haha. I am so happy that there's drops for this :) 

Now, back to the actual blogging. While I was home I had a chance to catch up on some reading for a change. Apparently, in some books, no matter how vicious a mythical being is they feel the need to dull them. Why do they feel the need to take so many of the key aspects and throw them away? I can understand if you change things around to refresh the myth but not when you take away what makes them unique.

I don't think I'll ever understand some peoples need to tear apart a good mythical being, all for the sake of a sappy love story haha. But there is still hope! There are still many great authors who out number the few who do this. My fingers are crossed for it their numbers to stay low :) 

Until Tomorrow
Keep Calm and Write On,
~Cate Riddle

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Diving into the characters mind

Wow this post is really late haha :) Okay, let's get started. 

I've recently jumped back into my stories and I found that I had to take time to get into their heads again. What better way to do that then with music? 

Since my main characters are such rebels, I try to listen to as much epic music as possible. This is the type of music you hear in action movies like 300.

It gives me the perfect soundtrack for all my action scenes. I can also use the slower songs for the sad scenes :) But for now I better get back to writing, I'm on a roll tonight! 

Until tomorrow 
Keep Calm and Write On
~Cate Riddle

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rediscovering purpose

Did you ever have a favorite story when you were a kid? Was it a romantic fantasy filled with knights in shinning armor? Or a tale of an epic battle and amazing creatures?

My childhood story was The Hobbit :) I loved reading all about Bilbo, the company of dwarves and the ethereal elves. It gave me a way out of the dull everyday, a peek into a window of fun and adventure.

I think everyone needs to rediscover what their first story was, their purpose behind loving books. Doing this will make you revisit what made you fall in love with your favorite characters :) What have you got to lose?

Until tomorrow
Keep Calm and Write On :)
~Cate Riddle

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Deadlines, ridiculous deadlines

Setting a deadline for myself has become somewhat of a problem. I keep setting them and then plans/hospital visits drop out of the sky. It's amazingly annoying haha :)

During the times that I actually do get the chance to stick with my self-set deadlines, I tend to crash afterwards. Not many people know that I can write nonstop for two days. I'm very determined to get my chapters out there to read and for others to enjoy :) 

Cranking out chapters like this also makes it easier to make them longer. If there's one thing I try not to do is make a chapter really short. If I have time to write then I'm going to make it as long as I can possibly make it. Now I'm off to continue writing :) 

Until tomorrow
Keep Calm and Write On :) 
~Cate Riddle

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Getting back on your stallion

Sometimes things happen for a reason, even if it makes you want to pull your hair out. You can let these events keep you down or you can get up and stare Life in the eye. I've come to realize that I can also use my experiences in my writing.

Whenever I do this it helps me move past whatever's bothering me. It gives me the chance to vent through my characters and make it into something positive. 

So whenever you're in a rut and feel like nothing's going to get better, pop in your headphones and write :) Never let anything or anyone pull you down! Don't you want to be like Dominique, Andrea and Calista? They found their own magic and they fight for what they believe in, so can you :) 

Until tomorrow
Keep Calm and Write On
~Cate Riddle

Friday, March 14, 2014

Researching for every chapter

Finding the perfect mythology and history to go along with a story can sometimes be a pain in the tush. Especially when you have to go into extreme detail as you try to describe them to your readers. Having a large amount a patience and a bit of determination really does help in the end. You'll need it when you begin to piece together your masterpiece :)

For my two main stories, 'Riddle Me This' and 'To Love a Colonel',  American history and Greek mythology play pretty big parts. I think the reason why is because I'm a huge fan of history in general and it's really fun to toy with it in my own way. I guess it makes me feel like a meddling soothsayer haha :)

Today, with the last of the current researching being complete, I'll be posting some seriously long chapters for all of my stories. Doing this will probably keep me awake all day and night, my determination to update hammering away at my conscience until I finish. I'm just excited to finally be able to get my hands into some awesome Greek mythology! 

Until tomorrow!
Keep Calm and Write On :)

-Cate Riddle


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

I've always wondered what it would be like to write and manage a blog of my own. After I started writing my own stories online I began to hit some hard times with school, and depression; writing became my escape from all of that. Now that I've taken back the reigns, I wanted to begin sharing my 'behind the scenes' writing thoughts :)

Over the past year my stories have become more popular than ever! It makes the writing process much more fun and rewarding when people tell me that they love reading my work. Hearing and reading this pushes me to work even harder to keep writing. Even though I do tend to hit writing blocks like any author, I still crank new ideas into my notebook until I can get them onto the digital page.

My writing is my passion and my creations are my loves. This is what I say when others ask me why I write and it's very true. It just took a swift kick in the tush to realize this :) Writing can help lift anyone's spirits just like reading a favorite book will unlock the vast worlds that are hidden within the creator's mind. So whenever you hit hard times like I did, open a notebook and just start writing!

I hope you enjoy my page and stay tuned in for my daily posts :)

Remember! Keep Calm and Write On :)

-Cate Riddle